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Walking out of Anxiety
Waking up the morning after this anxiety attack the last thing I wanted to do was climb a 3560ft mountain
Moving out of your Comfort Zone
I’m standing at the start of the Edinburgh Marathon feeling like a bit of a fraud. Trying to be something I’m not. Who am I to think I can run a marathon?
Run Talk Run with Jess Robson
We spoke to Jess, founder of RunTalkRun, about the community running group and her own struggles with bulimia, anxiety and depression
Anxiety, Alcohol and Exercise
I experienced my first panic attack in my twenties leading to issues with alcohol and depression. Now I am a fitness instructor using exercise to cope with my mental health battles.
Running Rings Round my Mental Health
Seven years ago my anxiety was off the scale and suicidal thoughts were coming regularly. Now I have rediscovered exercise and the positive effects have been immense
My Triathlons, Training and Mental Health
Some of my triathlon training is done with a very close group of friends, who know I’ve been ill, so they let me offload. Exercising socially has been a huge distraction and in fact great therapy
The Ride of My Life
Despite suffering permanent injuries from a road accident, Stephen Peel decided to fulfill his dream and cycle solo around the world